module 2 is almost done. i am in my fourth month of PT school. i have 2 weeks of finals coming up. its going to be a crazy 2 weeks. and then when my finals are over, i am going to baltimore to see my brother, who is on crutches. he broke his ankle last week and had surgery on wednesday. i bought a train ticket to get up to baltimore and i am almost more excited about riding the train up and back! then i will turn around and drive to atlanta for the orange conference. its a student ministry conference that i went to last year with my church and this year i am on a volunteering team. there is great worship and speakers...i'm psyched.
i broke up with jimmy at the beginning of october, it feels like a lifetime ago. it a true testimony that time heals all hurts. the anger is gone, and now i just miss my friend. i find myself thinking how he is doing or what he is doing. i wonder if he would answer the phone if i called him. i don't think he reads this. does he think about me everyday like i think about him? everyday, i think of what we had and i miss it. i know i made the right choice for me, but that doesn't change the fact that we had a lot of great times together. i was discussing the ironies of relationships with kara the other night and how you have this constant companion while in a relationship. the nature of a relationship ending is that you pretty much instantly lose a good friend. not even considering the relationship part ending, but just the friendship. i'm not the kind of person who has handfuls of people that i am especially close with. i know lots of people, but there are very few people who i choose to share my deeper self with. jimmy was one of those people- 3 years will do that. so, thats all i have to say about that.
we are waiting for our clinical slot requests to come back in. we are waiting impatiently. i will be thrilled with any place that i end up going, i just want to know. i want to know for sure that i will end up in atlanta for jan-feb. i have already bought a ticket to passion conference, which is the university student conference that louie giglio puts together. and we do know that louie is my favorite. he is the hottest, 50 year old, married man i have ever seen. i met him last year at orange and i have a picture with him.
on one last note, i have 6 days until i can get on facebook again. i gave it up for lent, and i never thought it would be this hard!! what did we do before facebook?! i like knowing whats going on with people and seeing their pictures! i know 2 people who have had baby girls during lent and i really want to see pictures!! i don't think i will ever give up facebook again for lent. i am a stalker and i'm ok with that!