is enjoying one last weekend of freedom before starting grad school on MONDAY!!!
starts graduate school. On Monday.
is a graduate student starting today!!!
- is sinking in an ocean of GRACE.
is wheelchair bound for the next 48 hours. So don't try and tip me over.
- is going to be sooo productive at work today!!!
- is gearing up for week #2 of grad school to start!
has to work at 5 am tomorrow morning. Oh joy.
is thrilled with the idea of not having classes on Wednesdays!
poured boiling water on my hand while trying to make cup-o-noodles. It hurts.
- would love it to snow tonight!!!
has seen flurries!!!! YAY SNOW!!!
loves that it snowed, but doesn't really think closing the school is necessary.
is looking forward to this weekend!
is ready for the last week of mod 1 to be over!
found the subclavius!!
is laughing so hard over Snappy, the stitched together Yuletide monster. (see profile pic)
has mastered the art of sleeping with my eyes open.
thinks that class from 9 to 4 on Fridays is exhausting.
is going to spend Friday night watching the Catalyst DVD's!!! I know thats lame, but I'm wicked psyched!
's computer is making loud scary noices.
built a brachial plexus with sparkly pipe cleaners! Who knew grad school would be so fun?!
would love to say that this weekend will be relaxing, but I've got a lot of work and cleaning!
is going to make it through this week if it kills me.
is probably going to give up FB for lent...so i can focus on studying instead of stalking.
is off facebook until Mod II is over. Please email me!
i gave up facebook for lent, so i don't have any updates for march.
APRIL 2009
I'm back on facebook!!!!!
thinks studying is overrated and just might forgo the entire process.
being sick and having to study is not a good combination.
has made it through anatomy and now we are plowing ahead to both PT practicals and then physiology final on friday. the end is vaguely in sight. has 5 down, 4 to go. Napping for the afternoon, then working tonight and getting back to studying. 5 days until Baltimore to see my baby brother!
- has run out of things to do instead of study. so, we're back to studying. 4 left, 4 left, 4 left, 4 left.
might be brain dead by wednesday. highly possible.
spent the afternoon planting my garden in celebration of my A on my anatomy final! i really hope i get tomatoes this summer!
is headed to Baltimore on the train today to see my brother!
thinks that Baltimore is waaaay louder than Elon. i forgot what its like to live in the middle of a city.
is heading to Atlanta today for ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is at the ORANGE conference!!! Every generation needs a new revolution.
met Andy Stanley today!
got my first choice inpatient clinical in Alabama!!!
is in love with the gorgeous NC weather!
is spending the evening in Charlotte with my Daddy!
is getting sick. Booooooooooo.
is really sick. I would rather study physiology than be sick right now.
can't believe its been a whole year since graduation. insane.
is in Baltimore for my little brother's college graduation!
has 3 tests this coming week, and i'm definitely not prepared enough for any of them.
wonders how well i would really do on these tests without studying at all?
thinks it might be about time to start studying for the 6 chapter test i have on friday morning.
is enjoying a weekend of doing nothing.
trusts that God has wonderful, amazing plans for me. He will put my broken pieces together into something beautiful.
would rather be doing something else than study for my 4 midterms this week
saw The Hangover tonight....funniest movie ever made!
made it through midterm week and is ready to tackle the next 6 weeks.
really needs a nap. Some classes just crawl, no pun intended.
is in Charlotte for Father's Day weekend!
thinks it is completely un-American to not root for Phil. And thank you ESPN 360 for allowing us to watch the greatness unfold while in class.
never thought i would be headed back to Virginia. Irony at its best.
will be in a much better mood come friday around 2 pm.
is playing catch up.
is not a fan of Mondays.
is ecstatic that i can get more done tonight since class was canceled in the morning!!! i know everyone is horribly upset about those NJ storms.
would really like to know what i am so allergic to. i'm headed back to the hospital in the morning for more tests, but hopefully no more steroids.
is looking for vacation ideas for the end of july. suggestions, offers, free places to stay, ideas are welcome.
just booked a flight to BOSTON for the end of July!
has been very productive in the past 24 hours, but is still really pissed off at head and neck vectors. who gives a crap?
is in love with the new Elevation Worship album.
thinks 7 am on a saturday is way too early to be awake and already at work.
will be in winston salem for my outpatient rotation in jan-feb!!! :)
thinks this is awesome: the only 2 days in the calendar year in which pro sports are not played is the day before and the day after the baseball all star game.
has the funniest brother on the face of the planet. my whole body hurts from laughing.
will be brain dead in 4 days.
thinks my manual muscle testing and goniometry book i made is coming in so very handy right about now! 2 more finals!
has virtually ZERO motivation to study for this last final.
that was an interesting phone call! my brother got arrested in utah for public nakedness, while riding a bicycle (which seems quite uncomfortable). no joke. and please don't tell my parents, he wants to "surprise" them.
is in Boston!!!
thinks Indian food at 1 am might or might not have been a good idea.
had such a great time with my family out in Napa Valley tonight! More Vino!
is back in NC and very sleepy.
is doing some last minute things before i have to go back to school tomorrow.
is tryyyyyying so hard to be productive, but its just not happening. maybe tomorrow?
cannot get motivated to do anything!
is going to be productive tonight, thanks to my friends Mountain and Dew.
is loving the new season of top chef already!!
has never had back pain this bad...from PT school, go figure.
is goin to the beach on Friday!!!
may i please purchase your pelvis? i think we would both benefit greatly.
gone to the beach for 24 hours to forget about how much i need to be studying.
- is gearing up for another busy week.
is so excited for football season i can hardly stand it!!
will not get sick. will not get sick. will not get sick. will not get sick.
could not be sick at a worse time. actually, yes, next week would be worse. blahhhhh.
is finishing up my ohio state cornhole boards to take to Charlotte with me tomorrow!!! big game on saturday - showdown at the shoe!!
is so excited that its football season! GO BUCKEYES!!
8 years have passed, and we are still reminded that freedom isn't free. so many people have forgotten.
says damnit Ohio State, there is no reason you should have lost that game...come on Tressel, grow a pair, will ya?
is loving the new Steve Fee album, its all i'm listening to while i study all week for practicals and finals!
is so freaking glad this thing is pass-fail. Thank you Lord.
wonders what would happen if i didn't study at all for my final tomorrow? strongly considering that option.....
anyone want to be in a young adults small group here in burlington?
YouTube, Twitter and Facebook will soon merge and create “one super time-wasting site" called YOU-TWIT-FACE.
just quit my job and it feels so good!
CANNOT wait to be at Catalyst this time next week!
its a wonder what 1500mL of IV fluid, 2 shots of phenergan and 7 hours in health services will do for a stomach bug.
CATALYST: The leadership conference for what's next in the church, lets make Jesus famous for our generation!
has been totally filled up by God's grace and forgiveness today CATALYST. what will tomorrow bring?
is back to the real world after missing a week of school. i'm still overwhelmed by the best 2 days of the year at CATALYST!
WE are the kindgom of God! WE are an army of Love! We carry Truth to the world! WE are the kingdom of God! Kristian Stanfill
has plans to have a productive weekend. i'm starting by going to bed at 8 o'clock...sweet life.
has been at work for an hour already and has yet to see a real human being.
has a very smart mouse living underneath the stove. i tried to trap it without killing it, but he is too smart for that. i think i have to move onto stronger measures
hasn't gotten out of bed yet today. how can one person get sick this many times in such a short period of time?! wtf.
is longingly looking forward to homecoming this weekend
has 30 more days of my 23rd year. let the countdown begin!
hates Halloween and is looking for things to do tonight to get out of the house.
is spending a rainy Sunday inside relaxing and baking.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1Peter 4:10
is spending Friday night getting my house all sparkly clean! my life is very exciting. i know you're jealous.
is very very very unhappy that the ohio state game isn't on here. wake vs ga tech?!? seriously?! how is that a better game?
just wants to get through this day so that we can get on the road to charlotte to see Steve Fee tonight!
watching Top Chef makes me really want to go to Vegas!!
my pec minors hurt real bad. gahhhhh.
is so glad it stopped raining for the Elon-AppState game today!! i love college football!! GO BUCKEYES!!
does not feel like studying!
happy BEAT MICHIGAN week!!! wooohooo go buckeyes!
falling asleep on the couch at 6:30 just screams graduate student. i'm just gonna quit fighting it and go to bed. i know its not even 9 pm yet, don't judge.
loves being at home and in the kitchen!
loves birthdays!!! i can't wait to have my cake, so i'm just drinking wine until then. thanks for all the love!!
has no desire to get back into school mode.
will be in the library until this poster is done. i wish i had computer skills.
is keeping Matt Chandler, his family, and his neurosurgeon in my prayers today. Those who trust in the Lord shall never have fear.
has to make it through this week even if it kills me. 5 days and i'm done.
late night chinese food run=wide awake at midnight=lots of energy to keep studying!!
is strongly considering just bubbling in all C's on this last final tomorrow. long week=no motivation to study even more.
guess who is officially a 2nd year?!?!?! i can't believe one whole year of graduate school is over!!!!!
happy hangover dvd release day!!!
loves that it is snowing!!
just got in after playing out in the 6 inches of snow in the front yard!! i love snow! i hope we don't lose power.
loves the traditions we have at christmas! i love cooking and baking and playing santa!
Today a Savior has been born! Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, good will toward men! Merry CHRISTmas!!
is anyone going to Passion Twenty Ten? if you are, lets get together!!
who's going to Passion Twenty Ten???? anyone want to go? i already have a hotel room!
feels so weird packing up for clinicals....it kind of feels like college all over again
- just posted all of my 2009 updates on my blog. pointless? yes. http://andreasankle.blogspot.com/