but life has been good. i have three jobs, HT, alamance country club, and in an office at elon. so i stay busy. i am very involved in my church here in burlington, and recently, i got to go to atlanta for the catalyst conference. its a huge church leadership conference that over 12,000 leaders from all over the country go to. my friend jayson from elon actually works for catalyst and he got me a ticket last minute, because i wasn't going to be able to afford to go. PRAISE THE LORD that jayson got me a ticket, because it was the most amazing 2 days in my life!
hearing all these insirational speakers made me curious about how i can listen to all of them through the wonders of technology. so i discovered something wonderful - podcasts! ohmygoodness, they are wonderful! well, all these churches around the country put their sermons on podcasts. so i came back from atlanta with a mission! i got on my itunes and found all these podcasts. i now am subscribed to 11 different podcasts and every week, it downloads the sermons from churches all over the country! technology is just so wonderful, and i know i'm really late in finding out about them, but better late than never!
this was the second time i got to go to atlanta for a church conference. i went to a conference called orange back in april; its a conference more for student ministry. i was working for the church in childrens ministry, so it was relevant that i go. these huge conferences that attract the next generation of church leaders are always held in the gwinnett center in duluth, which is probably about 30-40 miles north of actual atlanta. i have fallen in love with this part of the country! there is a huge, unbelievable church in alpharetta called north point, which was started 12 years ago by a group of forward thinking guys. well, now it has 3 campuses and ministers to over 20,000 people every weekend. this new Christian movement around the country is being headed by leaders in north atlanta. since april, i have had this overwhelming desire to move to duluth/alpharetta. i know its crazy, but i want to go to north point! i know its nuts to want to move just because of a church. but maybe God is calling me there for a church and for reasons unknown to me. in my second year of grad school, i get to do 3 clinical rotations. being the planner that i am, i will definitely be doing a rotation in north atlanta. it can be a test run for me moving there. i will go where God sends me, no matter what.
ok thats it for tonight, but here are some future topics:
}sewing projects
}mexico mission trip
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