on the eve of this crazy, way to long drawn out, election, i am sick to death of talking about politics. its almost to the point that i don't care who wins. almost. for those of you who know me well, you will know that i am about as conservative as they come. or as chris says, i'm a "staunch republican." i will be proudly voting for john mccain tomorrow. and i think obama bin laden is a dangerous person, and a muslim. he is a very charismatic speaker who i think has brainwashed an entire generation of americans who are so desperate to get as far away from the current administration as possible. have i been pleased with the past 4 years of government? not entirely, but i would vote for bush over john kerry still today. i worked on the bush campaign 4 years ago, and learned so much about the process of electing a president. as much as i learned and even though it was a great opportunity, i will never do it again.
so, i am pretty sure that obama is going to win tomorrow. mccain has a slight chance, but i'm not holding my breath. even though i think obama is a really dangerous person to run the country, part of me is very curious to see what is going to happen. i honestly think that he isn't quite sure what he is going to do when he actually gets into office. its scary to think how socialist he is and his ties are all pretty questionable. i have no doubt he is a smart guy...but so was stalin.
i came across this document from someone writing from the perspective of a Christian 4 years from now, after an obama presidency. its interesting, and God willing none of it will ever come true.
i am also very glad that i work until 9:30 tomorrow night. that means that i won't be able to sit at home and watch the election converage. i am a believer that ALL election results should be held from the public until 8 am wednesday morning. we've been listening to this election crap for 2 years, another 8 hours won't kill us. i'm not a fan of american instant gratification disorder.
do the math.
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