speaking of pictures, i took over 1000 while we were there. yes, you read that right- 1000. i narrowed it down to about 800 that i burned onto CD's for everyone in the group. i quickly became the group's unofficial photographer, and i got so many awesome shots. i put up 6 albums on facebook, so check them out.
i've just been hanging out this weekend, enjoying the wintery weather outside from inside! we have 3 books to read for PT school, so i've spent a lot of today curled up on the couch with a book. i love it. last night, i went to a DPT party and got to meet a bunch of people in my class and lots of students that are already in the program. it was fun and i got a lot of good advice about the program. i know i will regret saying this, but i've been really bored this past year, and i am ready to get started! the sooner i start, the sooner i can be done, and the sooner i can get a job and start to get out of debt. which is a plus. since i will be about 100K in the hole when i'm done, including my loans from undergrad. i'm ready to learn. i know i'm a dork.
i'm headed to church tonight because i don't want to wake up early tomorrow to go. and i don't have anything else to do tonight, so why not go to church?!!? i love my church. its amazing.
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