Here it is, 3 am and I am wide awake. I went to bed around 10:30 0r 11 and crashed, went right to sleep. Around 2:30, I woke up and just have no desire to go back to sleep. I figured I would turn on the TV and mess around online until I got tired again. I still have no pain at all, so at least I am not waking up because of pain.
Last night, meaning like 5 hours ago, my parents told me some of the things I did and said yesterday following surgery in the recovery room. There are so many things that I have zero recollection of. I was in 2 recovery rooms yesterday, the first one, where they wake you up, they usually don't let family members in. But since my dad is kind of a big deal and knows all the nurses in recovery, they let both my parents come back to see me. As they walk in, I look at my mom and say "you look so pretty Momma." (She had come straight from work and she's pretty hot.) I then turn to my dad and say "you look pretty too Daddy." Needless to say, everyone was pretty entertained. Apparently, I also told everyone that I was going to have macaroni and cheese for dinner. Like they care.
So then, they moved me into the second recovery room and somehow I moved from a bed to a big rolly chair. Again, no idea how I made that transition. So once I got into the second room, I was a little bit more awake, or so I thought. They help you get up and go to the restroom, but I passed out again sitting on the potty. Nice, huh? They get me back in my chair and I decide that I really need to talk to talk to my boyfriend and let him know that I was alright. My mom hands me her phone and amazingly, I dial the number from memory! I talked to him for about 2 minutes and have absolutely no memory of doing any of that either. When I talked to him again tonight, I was fully lucid and he told me that I was slurring all my words and that I was eating macaroni and cheese. Can you tell that I was really looking forward to my mom's homemade mac and cheese? This is just one of the many reasons I am so in love with my boy, he will listen to me even when I have no clue that I am talking to him. Apparently I also told my mother all about NCUR, the conference that I am going to in April. I think its hilarious that I remember none of anything I just talked about.
Thank God my brother has a wack-ass sleep schedule, because here it is, like 3:30 in the morning and we are talking online. Thank you college. He had shoulder surgery about 2 weeks ago, so both of us are crippled. He can walk and I can raise both my arms above my head. I guess we are even.
I'm going to attempt to get back to sleep now. Sweet dreams....
The stories about what you said in recovery actually made me laugh out loud. I never knew you liked macaroni so much! I hope you have a better night tonight :-)
Ha! Gotta love the post-op daze. When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, apparently I gibbered about the weirdest stuff after I woke up. I only remember bits and pieces of it, fortunately. :)
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