Today, while I was walking on campus, I tripped and rolled my ankle a little bit. And it was because there was too many people around on that part of campus. Why were there so many people you ask? Because Bill Clinton graced Elon with his presence today. Now, for those of you who know me knows how much I despise the Clintons. Everything about them. So good ole' slick Willy being here today didn't impress me whatsoever. So I rolled my ankle a bit walking on the bricks, and now its sore. Chris is not going to be happy when I go to PT tomorrow. But he will make it feel better.
On a much more positive note, I get to see my old roommate Jamie on Friday!! We lived together last year and we are pretty much the exact same person. I miss her so much and I haven't seen her in a year! I can't wait to see her and convince her to move back to Elon.
1 comment:
Another reason for me not to like Hillary! Be careful walking around. You're supposed to be my inspiration!
I am going to work tomorrow on my scooter for the first time, but just to turn in my time sheet : )
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